7 Offbeat Places To Discover In Paro Bhutan

7 Offbeat Places To Discover In Paro Bhutan


Nearly the whole area of Bhutan is covered by the Himalayan mountain range. However, it started to open up to the contemporary world after being cut off from industrialization for a considerable time. One of the largest valleys in Bhutan is home to the charming town of Paro. It is a country of lost traditions and unspoiled nature.

Paro offers diverse vacation experiences, including forts and ruins, holy temples and monasteries, soul-satisfying hikes, and stunning scenery. Many tourists explore Paro and its offbeat places, while staying hotels in Paro Bhutan with affordable rates.

1) Jangtsa Dumtseg Lhakhang Temple

Are you intrigued by folktales? This Buddhist temple is associated with an infinite number of folktales, not just one. According to a local tale, Lhakhang was built to defeat a serpentine power. According to another story, it was built on a demon's head.

Paro The saint Thangtong Gyalpo built this stupa-temple in 1421; a trip to see it is only complete with it. This temple is unique because it is shaped like a chorten, which is not common in Bhutan. One of the top sights to visit in Paro, Bhutan, is the Chorten, which has exquisite Buddhist imagery enthralling you.

2) Tiger's Nest Monastery

Located 800 meters above the Paro Valley on a cliff, the Paro Taktsang monastery is a famous landmark sometimes referred to as the Tiger's Hike to the Paro Taktsang or the Tiger's Nest monastery

3) Rinpung Dzong Monastery

The Rinpung Dzong Monastery, also known as another name Paro Dzong, is a iconic example of Bhutanese architecture. The buildings were constructed with such astonishing accuracy that they remain today. These constructions have an intriguing feature: they are securely connected without needing nails!

4) Dobji Dzong

The final stronghold of the Drukpa Kagyud is located at this imposing but dim Dobji Dzong, which served as one of the primary centers of the school's teachings. Ngawang Chogyal, the brother of Choji Drukpa Kunley, often referred to as the heavenly Madman for the many divine marvels he accomplished throughout his lifetime, constructed this magnificent Dzong in 1531.

5) Jangtsa Dumtseg Lhakhang Temple

The Jangtsa Dumtseg Lhakhang Temple is undoubtedly something you would encounter if looking for some of the uncommon sites to see in Paro! Located on a steep ridge between the Paro and Dopchari valleys, this Buddhist temple is one of the unique and distinctive places to visit in Paro, Bhutan. It looks a lot like a chorten.

6) Kila Goempa

Ever wonder why Bhutan is among the happiest locations on the planet? If not, you should know that this nation is joyful because of its simplicity! You have to go to Kila Goempa, also known as the Kila Goemba, in Paro to see this. This ancient nunnery, 3,350 meters above sea level, is home to over ninety female monks aged eight to eighty-three.

7) National Museum of Bhutan

One of the must-see attractions in Paro is unquestionably the National Museum of Bhutan! This museum, which offers numerous opportunities to learn about the rich culture of the Land of Thunder Dragons, is home to over 3,000 traditional Bhutanese artworks, as well as ancient scriptures, gears, costumes, appliques, relics, antiques, and numerous other collectives that display a timeline spanning more than 1,500 years.

In Bhutan, there are many things to explore. However, make a plan in advance while you are all set to visit this country and finally don’t forget to choose the hotels in Paro Bhutan that offer affordable ratesand save your both time and money.

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